London's Most Colourful Streets
London is full of colouful streets and houses every shade of the rainbow. From Notting Hill to Chelsea, and Camden Town to Carnaby, there are pockets of brightly coloured homes dotted throughout London. I always love walking by the pink house on Farmers Street that is wearing a lovely green plant as a hat, or walking down Bywater Street after some shopping on Kings Road. St. Luke’s Mews is so charming and Westbourne park is full of not only colourful homes, but charming shops and cafes as well. If you are looking to brighten up your day here is the full list of 16 of the most colourful streets in London, and for more practical purposes I’m sharing the google map I created of all of them here. Elgin Crescent W11Portobello Road W11Westbourne Grove W11St. Luke’s Mews W11Wingate Street W6Hillgate Street W8Farmer Street W8Hartland Road NW1Kelly Street NW1Bonny Street NW1Chalcot Square NW1Falkland Road NW5Godfrey Street SW3Lennox Garden Mews SW3Bywater Street SW3Princess Gate Mews SW7